27 May 2009


Okay.. something seriously went wrong with my template... i tried to revive all the things i lost den proceed on installing the new template.. n guess what! i lost all the things that i've lost once again!! haha :D anyway, will try again soon~

I'm not in the mood to post anything right now other then this. Goodnight~!!~!~!~!~!~!!~

25 May 2009



12 May 2009

Post Diary Gaytified!!

Thanks to a certain someone (c Khairini) no names mentioned... (haha) post diary ku Gay!! ada flowers, colourful... colours?? haha! mcm... gay lah jadinya post diary ku!!

Good Job on Gaytifying (whatever that is) my Post Diary :)

Its Official!

Its official that my Laptop's name is Kai Sing! Awwww~ :)

08 May 2009

I swear on my......

Hey Guys! I got this from the Internet!! and guess what!

In ancient Rome, when a man testified in court he would swear on his testicles!!

WTS!! Hahaha! Kalau bini2 apa tu ah~ HAHAHAHAHAHA! WTS!!

Kai Sing :)


It seems like its been 5 days since I last updated my blog. Well~ by then.. a lot has happened and some i prefered it to be...... in the dark. (duh~ smua kali kn ku gitau??)

Anyway.. I had fun YESTERDAY!! The Nasyid people of MS ada this so called "Full Dress Rehearsel" with RTB and some of the MPs.. mostly PU1 MPs.. and surprisingly.. the HOB... (pemalas jua kamu nda kn masuk class ani!! haha).

Nothing much happened.. p... sorry Ayyub.. i didn't knw.. i'll make it up to you.. GOMENASAI~~

N guess what, c Hanafi cut himself (sal ia emo) masa backstage!! n den lap darahnya arah bajuku!!!! WTS!! haha! but then... aku jua yg bawa ia ke HEP, cuci lukanya den pasangkn bandage.. see~~ baik kn aku atu :) (ani.. aku d ucapnya emo.. siapa yg luka2 ani a!!)

Den, i told my backstage buddies yg aku kn ke "Jamban" p I ended up arah teachers cafeteria and hang out sama my Bestfriend~ n help out ngan bisnisnya.. and drank 3 cans of coke.. and lanja my backstage buddies jua :) 

My afternoon was.... a bit dull.. sal my supposedly Hantu meeting nda menjadi because of my laptop.. which reminds me.. i wanna name my laptop... so any suggestions anyone?? haha!

Sebelum ku balik ke Istanaku d Kpg Subok, someone/Nabil taught me this word "Kai Sing" which means Happy.. lurus ka?? haha! :) sure thing.. Kai Sing!! 

Den malamnya.. I think aku tetidur... n woke up quite late this morning and akhir dtg for my Biology extra class.. :( baik jua nada ke Pusat Ehsan, kalau nda ngaleh jua ku lagi tu :(

Thats it I guess...

Btw.. COMING SOON.... BORING!! Sorry Thai people.. p crita antu kamu nda lagi brijap.. go find a new hobby~ haha! jk jk

03 May 2009

Special Olympics Walkathon!

Hey~ I know aku lambat sehari mempost but hey, its never too late!

Anyway, i joined this walkathon to raise fund for special olympics and managed to.... *beg* paksa c Nabil ikut :) hahaha! Thanks for coming! n sudah ku lanja tu aaaa..

I dont want to talk much about it sal....... i wanna keep this special thing all to myself~

Tapi~ malamnya lalah! haha!

02 May 2009

H1N1 Epidemic!

I googled for pictures or posters on H1N1 or swine flu and I found THIS! I know this has nothing to do with H1N1 but hey~ look at it this way~ nda jua brijap ulihnya penyakit atu. Haha!

Though.. I recommend you guys out there to be careful. Cuci tia apa yg sepatutnya di cuci. Basuh tia apa yg kamu nda pernah basuh! Aiyt!! STAY SAFE EVERYONE!



I've been hearing about this ALARMING news about "Swine Flu" or "H1N1"! Mudahan Brunei yg damit lagi aman tenteram ani di jauhkn dari penyakit cemani ani. Hijab ku nyamo! Tesumbat bh tu hidung!!

Anyway~ enough of this Flu Flu thing. Bersih2kn diri saja sebelum dan selapas makan n jamban and mandi 6 kali sehari. Korek tia biji mata atu.

P.E was FUNTASTIC! Awesome drills and Gaijin team members, We were AWESOME!! Congratz to everyone for a job well done especially Sabs, Fiqs, Don. Quite a remarkable improvement! I'll work hard too for Gaijin. 1,2,3 Gaijin! *HOWL*

The classes after P.E was....... as usual... perhaps... unusually BORING! Mana saya tau~ lalah kali a lapas P.E ani~

The Afternoon part lah yg siuk. The "Parents Teacher Meet" part nda plang siuk tu.. p Hanging mcm hangman sama friends siuk a! Like Bwabishly!

Lastly, (formal jua bunyinya) I've added todays Pictures in my Facebook.. Help me tag and enjoy browsing. Bnyknya poklen tu dlm gmbr a!