02 May 2009



I've been hearing about this ALARMING news about "Swine Flu" or "H1N1"! Mudahan Brunei yg damit lagi aman tenteram ani di jauhkn dari penyakit cemani ani. Hijab ku nyamo! Tesumbat bh tu hidung!!

Anyway~ enough of this Flu Flu thing. Bersih2kn diri saja sebelum dan selapas makan n jamban and mandi 6 kali sehari. Korek tia biji mata atu.

P.E was FUNTASTIC! Awesome drills and Gaijin team members, We were AWESOME!! Congratz to everyone for a job well done especially Sabs, Fiqs, Don. Quite a remarkable improvement! I'll work hard too for Gaijin. 1,2,3 Gaijin! *HOWL*

The classes after P.E was....... as usual... perhaps... unusually BORING! Mana saya tau~ lalah kali a lapas P.E ani~

The Afternoon part lah yg siuk. The "Parents Teacher Meet" part nda plang siuk tu.. p Hanging mcm hangman sama friends siuk a! Like Bwabishly!

Lastly, (formal jua bunyinya) I've added todays Pictures in my Facebook.. Help me tag and enjoy browsing. Bnyknya poklen tu dlm gmbr a!